01. The Challenge
AVANCE is a wonderful non-profit organization that helps parents and children grow positively and adapt to society. We learned so much from this project and are so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with them.
There were many unique challenges with this project that we hadn’t yet encountered before, mostly around implementing a bilingual website. The client, AVANCE, needed a website that was equally accessible for native Spanish speakers as it is for English speakers. Basically, Google Translate was not going to cut it.
One of the major asks was to allow visitors to select their native language when they land on the page. Once selected, the browser should save that information for that user so whenever they visit the website it will automatically display the native speaker’s language.
They also wanted the website to be lively, show the Latino culture proudly, and inform visitors of the programs that they have to offer. Of course, it also needed to have an equally accessible mobile experience and be responsive on multiple devices.
02. The Solution
We took a multi-pronged approach to tackle the bilingual requirement. First, we used a plugin called TranslatePress, which allowed us to have finer control of what text to display based off of the language selection. With this, you can also limit the language selection to just the ones you needed. This allowed us to show authentic, native Spanish on the website and helped users feel more at home. It was not without issues however. There is one interesting feature that is built-in and cannot be changed, which essentially finds similar words and uses previous translations to display on the page. While this is nice, it gave unexpected results. We were able to bypass this by using “language blocks”, which allowed us to select entire sections and manually translate ourselves.
That took care of the native Spanish translated websites. However, we still needed to figure out how to allow the user to select their default language and save it. TranslatePress did not offer this functionality and we had to roll our own custom solution (that we’re quite proud of!). What we did was, if a new user enters the page, display a modal for language selection. Once a user selects their language, that preference is saved using custom JavaScript to their browser’s local storage. When the user revisits the page, it will check to see if that data is already stored to their browser. If it is, lookup the language and display that automatically. If they decide they want to choose a different language, it is allowed through retriggering the modal and saving the new value.
Finally, for the look and feel, we worked very closely with the AVANCE communications team to establish an identity and ensure that we were using the proper branding colors that they already use throughout their organization.
03. The Result
We’re happy to say that this has been one of the most successful projects to date. It took an immense amount of collaboration, and we are very grateful for their feedback and involvement during the web design process. We can’t stress enough how AWESOME of a client they were. The end result is a beautiful, functional website, inspired by its Latino roots and provides important information for their visitors and ways to contact them. It’s also very accessible and treats its main visitors equally.
We hope you enjoyed reading about this project and that you found it helpful. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.