Why is Web Design Important?
It is an excellent question, and while it may seem obvious from the surface, it’s essential to know precisely why having a good website can be beneficial for your business. If you are a business owner, one of your primary objectives is getting leads, getting more customers to your door, and expanding your reach. Why would having a website help any of that? Why not just spend the money on marketing? The simple answer is that having a website is a long term investment that pays off in the long run and gives credibility as a legitimate business. People want to make sure that they are spending their money on a product or service they can trust and be happy with. Let’s look at some more in-depth reasons why it’s crucial to have a website design.

First Impressions
We all know, when it comes to business, first impressions matter… A LOT. Especially when you consider the short attention span we have with a large amount of data available to us now through our mobile phones and the internet. In this digital age, first impressions for your company now starts at your website. When someone wants to learn more about a company and their offerings, the best place to see that would be through visiting that company’s website or blog.
So how does a website give off a good first impression? First, it should be optimized for mobile devices. Over half of internet traffic happens through mobile, so if the website is not responsive and easily usable on mobile, that will turn away users. Secondly, the website should be fast. Statistics show that a user is 40% more likely to leave a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. That’s a big deal! As such, you want to make sure to retain user attention and have a quick website. There are a number of ways to achieve this. Finally, your website should look modern and follow the latest trends in website design. People will take your company more seriously if it is presented professionally with a great look and feel.

Organic Marketing
A nice website design and marketing are not two exclusive things. They are intensely tied to one another and mutually benefit from each other. Marketing helps drive traffic to your website, which leads to a higher chance of them contacting you through a form. A website gives your users a window into your business that they can always reach to learn more about you, the services you offer, and why you are better than your competitors. It also goes hand in hand with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) since you need a website to be found and ranked by Google.

Connect With Others
Having a website also gives you the chance to connect with others, whether colleagues or potential customers. It gives you a chance to put in your own words why your company is so great. This is one of the few things as a business owner you have control over, and it’s out there for the whole world to see! It’s an excellent opportunity to highlight your services, company history, promotions, and ongoing news with a blog. The more valuable information and content you provide, the more that will help your rankings in SEO! You may even learn some new helpful tips for your business by connecting with others or from researching topics to write about.
We just scratched the surface with how important it could be to have a website for your business. And why it’s crucial to have it designed by a professional! To learn more about web design, SEO, or to inquire about our services, browse our website and blog. Thanks for reading!